An enduring commitment to safety
Promoting Health & Safety
We at Alex MacIntyre and Associates Ltd. are fully committed to excellence in Health and Safety and to continuous improvement in the performance and quality of our work. We will develop, implement and maintain effective health and safety management systems, adopt best available practices and engage our people in preventing accidents by carrying out their tasks in a safe manner.
Awards & Commendations
- 2017 WSN Presidents Award for Safety Leadership
- Multiple year recipient of the Peter Graham Memorial award for most improved medical frequency over 5 years.
- Multiple year recipient of the John C. MacIssac award for most improved Lost Time Frequency over 5 years.
- Multiple year recipient of the Secoroc award for the lowest lost time frequency for mining contractors.
- MASHA Award of Excellence in Safety (2007,2010)
- Multiple year recipient of the WSN Safety Excellence award.

Employer Responsibilities
- Develop, implement and maintain management systems for health and safety consistent with industry recognized standards.
- Strive for continual improvement in our health and safety performance by setting and reviewing annual targets.
- Meet and where appropriate, exceed applicable legal and other requirements.
Management / Supervision Responsibilities
- Identify, assess and manage risks to our employees and those affected by our work.
- Train and motivate all our people to work in a safe and responsible manner.
- Support supervisory effectiveness by enhancing the relationship between supervisor and crew.
- Promote and enhance employee commitment and accountability to this policy.
- Recognize and reward good safety performance and achievements throughout the organization.
Team Responsibilities
- Comply with safe work practices, with the intent of avoiding injury to themselves and others as well as damage to property / equipment.
- Correct and/or report all known or observed hazards to their supervisor.
- Will not take on jobs / tasks for which they have not been trained.
- Will wear personal protective equipment & clothing as required.
- Will apply the Neil George 5 Pt. Safety System to assist in risk recognition and abatement.
- The entire organization, from senior executives to individual workers, is responsible and accountable for safety in accordance with the philosophy of the Internal Responsibility System. We will regularly review our progress and ensure this policy remains relevant to the needs of our company, our employees and our clients.
Key components of Alex MacIntyre's safety program.
- Internal Responsibility System (IRS)
- Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee
- Health & Safety Rules
- Correct Work Procedures
- Employee Orientation
- Training
- Workplace Inspections
- Reporting & Investigation of Accidents / Incidents
- Emergency Procedures
- Health & Safety Promotion
- Workplace Specific Items